There isn’t a title that does descriptive justice to this episode of The Right Heart. Guest Sarah Denny knocked this one out of the park.
We cover the history of feminism, the struggles and inequalities faced by women through the ages, authentic femininity and masculinity, modesty, the bioethics of reproductive technologies, and how there isn’t one specific formula of right choices that go into being a wonderful mother.
Sarah is an incredibly gifted speaker who can put into everyday words deep truths about the human condition and what it means to direct our actions and our choices toward the dignity of each human person. Sarah has spoken frequently over the past few years at colleges, high schools and parishes on the Theology of the Body, authentic feminism, fertility awareness and the Creighton Model of fertility care, and the bioethics of reproductive technologies. She has a masters in Theology from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, Louisiana, and she will be pursuing her doctorate in bioethics at the Regina Apostolorum in Rome starting in the Fall of 2015. She is also a FertilityCare Practitioner with the Creighton Model System, and she co-hosts a radio show called “Alive Again” with Fr. Brad Doyle.
I have already booked Sarah to record another episode with me, specifically on the bioethics of reproductive technologies and Catholic teachings on acceptable medical and surgical aids in achieving pregnancy. Look for that episode to come out sometime in early Fall 2015.
Links from this Episode
St. Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)
Mulieris Dignitatum, an Apostolic Letter from St. Pope John Paul II “On the Dignity and Vocation of Women”
St. Pope John Paul II’s “Letter to Women”
Address of Pope Paul VI to Women, Closing of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council
This was such a great and affirming episode! It was jam packed with such deep and complex concepts I found myself going back a few times to make sure I fully caught/understood it all (as I baked during my baby’s nap time!). Seriously, I would love another episode on this general topic of femininity. It has also helped give me the courage to talk to some female family members more about all of this. It’s amazing how much courage it takes to speak to family on these topics, but becoming better educated certainly helps. Thanks ladies!
Sarah is amazing, isn’t she? She is a busy lady, but we are set to have her come back in the spring sometime. I have another guest or two in the works on similar topics, though.:) Stay tuned! (Also, thanks so much for the comment:)