I was newly-wed, newly pregnant, and poor as a church mouse when I started this blog way back in 2009.
It is my hope that my six children will read through this blog one day from start to finish, and that they will read their mother growing up before their eyes. This blog is for you, my sweet family.
I also write because I believe it’s something He made me to do. My writing is mostly for me, because it helps me sort out my heart and my thoughts, and hold things up to the light. And I write because I am not the only one out there trying to learn how in the world to find joy in sorrow, keep my hope in trials, find fulfillment in my vocation, and trust God in all of it.
I wouldn’t be writing if I didn’t think God was in all of it, though. And something tells me that you wouldn’t be here if you didn’t have the same feeling, even just deep down. He either is everything He says He is, or He isn’t any of it.
- 17: Hey moms, if family life feels chaotic during quarantine, here’s why you’re not doing it all wrong (and a recipe, because cookie dough for one is a thing)
- 15: “What made those holes?!”: Knife Stories, Things I’ve Had to Disinfect, and Other Tales of Things My Toddlers Accomplished in Five Minutes
- 25: A good day
- 03: Growing into it
- 23: Different gifts
- 22: Did you miss my THREE new podcast episodes this month? {Definitely don’t miss this GIVEAWAY!}
- 19: Helpful Resources, Ideas and Traditions for Passing on Faith to Our Kids (Part 2), with Jenny Ryan
- 18: Challenges in Modern Motherhood and Passing on Faith to Our Kids (Part I), with Jenny Ryan
- 02: {New!} Upcoming Episodes of The Right Heart
- 01: Meet My Husband {Michael Franco on Faith, Marriage, and the Story of Us}
- 29: See me in San Antonio?
- 22: Episode 22: Books, Reading, and Lisa Hendey’s New “Chime Travelers” Series for Kids
- 20: The Day Nuns and Jesus Came to My House
- 13: How Domestic Church Changed My Marriage
- 11: Modeling, my upcoming show, and mass with kids, oh my!
- 08: Don’t Let Worrying about Miscarriage Steal Your Joy
- 30: Episode 18: Christy Isinger on Making Time for Mom
- 21: What Are You Doing for the Year of Mercy? {PLUS! A Special Catholic Conference 4 Moms Coupon Code}
- 20: How To Tell Those D-Words Where To Go
- 15: The Top Humble Handmaid Posts of 2015
- 14: A Slice of Life, Sneak Peeks, and MORE Big News {BONUS 10-MIN EPISODE!}
- 03: Episode 17: Lisa Schmidt on Restoring Your Fertility to God as a Couple
- 26: The thankfulness in my heart today is this.
- 25: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year?! {A Podcast about Navigating Family Gatherings during the Holidays}
- 18: Playing house again
- 16: Episode 19: How to Help Your Loved Ones Return to the Church
- 09: Episode 21: Walking with God through the NICU
- 09: “Has this not happened to you?”: A poem by St. Teresa of Avila
- 22: Radio interview: Why I Don’t Hate NFP Anymore
- 20: How to Be a Spiritual Leader for Your Family {A Book Review + Giveaway!}
- 19: Episode 16: Couple Prayer
- 15: The post I’ve been waiting to write for two years.
- 09: God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines
- 07: Episode 15: Social Media and the New Evangelization
- 05: Are you doing what {you think you’re} supposed to be doing?
- 04: Homeschool update
- 22: Saints were people too
- 21: 5 Tips for Suffering Like a Saint
- 19: My inspiration
- 16: Episode 14: Our Friends the Saints
- 13: All the humble happenings
- 10: How NOT to Talk about Money
- 05: When Our Husbands Save Us from Ourselves (and a printable!)
- 03: Episode 12: The Simple Life
- 01: A quiet growing time
- 30: July Blessings Highlight Reel
- 29: Episode 6: The New Feminism
- 29: Is being busy a bad thing?
- 17: Episode 10: Why are we so afraid of Down syndrome?
- 17: Episode 9: Miscarriage
- 14: 3 Social Habits that Can Make or Break a Culture of Life
- 13: Episode 8: Financial Peace in Marriage
- 10: Episode 5: Forming Community through “Family Dinner”
- 06: Episode 4: A Journey through Postpartum Depression
- 04: Episode 2: Domestic Church
- 04: Episode 3: Creighton, NFP, and Catholic married sex, oh my!
- 03: The Giveaways: Making Launch Month That Much Sweeter
- 01: July Episodes of The Right Heart
- 27: Big News and Notes: It’s getting real over here, ya’ll.
- 25: The kind of freedom people die for
- 23: God’s delay is not God’s denial
- 22: Two years ago: The Texas Chainsaw Episode
- 11: I had a lovely Mother’s Day (ducks, shoes, fried chicken!)
- 08: All dolled up, some tears (surprised?), and hero burnout
- 07: Some cups get all the hype
- 06: BIG news (coming soon), a big girl, and big bugs
- 03: 10 Ways to Encourage Your Husband
- 03: Is it True? Is it Kind? Is it Necessary?
- 01: Joy makes us a mountain
- 30: It’s not the doing, but the letting be done to us
- 29: Looking for a house is (kind of) like looking for a spouse
- 27: What parenthood does to us
- 25: Spiritual works of mercy and your life’s “speak up” people
- 24: Never kill a butterfly
- 23: 10 Things You Didn’t Know about Me
- 23: Why you should pray daily for your friends
- 15: Broken together
- 13: When you got nothin’
- 13: “The Father’s Tale”
- 10: Would you help a Humble Handmaid out?
- 10: If you saw how I really am…
- 31: A week of praying for my husband: Fruit and Failure
- 25: A Coffee Talk for the Little Years
- 21: Join me in a week of praying for your husband
- 16: Know your enemies
- 14: Rest that renews
- 13: St. Frances of Rome
- 11: Dirty dishes and perfect charity
- 10: Have mercy on the clumsy
- 08: Why I’m not telling my children to “follow your heart”
- 06: How thinking like a man helps me be a better mom
- 26: 4 Ways We Pick Our Poison in Media
- 25: 17 pieces of Humble Pie
- 20: We can’t get there all at once
- 16: A lesson on lovin’ from “My Best Friend’s Wedding”
- 12: Some Good Readin’
- 10: What a weekend in my shoes can do
- 10: He calls us first (and He doesn’t mind if we bring the kids)
- 07: What works right now
- 24: Hold on tight
- 05: Oh, that Southern charm
- 27: I need some sugar. And other Lenten struggles. And why charity isn’t just about giving.
- 21: “Hold your horses!”: The need to grow in interiority
- 21: Nesting like crazy.
- 07: A little miracle and a marriage lesson from Downton Abbey (sort of)
- 01: When blogs can be deceiving:)
- 01: See you someday, Downton Abbey Season 3
- 29: The Lost Phone Adventure, and why St. Anthony and the Blessed Mother are a real Dream Team
- 29: A REAL vacation
- 27: Blessings
- 18: Birthday fun
- 18: You just had to ask
- 11: Telephone poles and prayer
- 07: Oldies-but-Goodies Friday: “Happily Ever After” – Take Two
- 05: Don’t miss out on the chocolate: Detachment and temperance in time spent online
- 31: Oldies-but-Goodies Friday : The “Watch Your Tongue!” Edition
- 29: I am my children’s most important teacher
- 25: In which my kid has fun in a bounce house for the first time, we find a baby frog, and my husband cuts himself with a chainsaw
- 23: So THIS is how I act when I meet a famous person.
- 21: Obedience for moms?
- 16: Indiana Jones, a leap of faith, and tiny miracles
- 16: Poop on a roll
- 09: You don’t say “yes” just once
- 08: For better or for worse
- 06: Easy for you, hard for me
- 01: A girls’ trip to plantation country, meeting a New-Old Friend, and a really chunky sailboat ride
- 01: Ambition
- 28: Mother’s Rule update – Reality check, portion control, and the Preschool Olympics
- 27: Parenting with balance: Happiness Speaks Louder than Words
- 19: My new life coach, and helpful quotes from a saint
- 19: We all make mistakes.
- 16: A little jailbird, a wedding and a shark picture
- 11: Sweet-smelling humble pie
- 10: Keep calm and carry on
- 08: The Family Beach Trip, and a beach with no babes
- 04: Rock-a-bye baby
- 04: Fourth of July, and a quote from a pope
- 29: An industrious husband, a backyard that’s “getting there” :)
- 28: Trust with a smile
- 23: 8pm Shutdown…I really wrote that? :)
- 18: My foot is slipping…
- 17: The Two Cutest Excuses in Texas
- 17: Some Good Listenin’: The Can’t Stop Jogging to It Edition
- 14: The Family Franco, May 2012
- 14: Some Good Readin’: The Perspective in Motherhood Edition
- 13: A million ways to be a good mother
- 11: Grapes and BIG ch-ch-changes!
- 09: A cheerful giver
- 09: My husband isn’t my girl friend
- 05: Some good readin’ – The “First” Edition
- 22: January-February photo and home video roundup
- 22: Why I’m here.
- 20: First bite of food
- 17: A Dance Party Day
- 16: Thoughts on my Valentine
- 15: More baby love
- 15: This week
- 09: Thank God for Those Who Make Us Want to Pull Our Hair Out
- 09: Refreshments
- 03: Slice of life
- 01: How to Preserve a Husband (old family recipe)
- 26: Forget regret
- 25: I still love to play dress up.
- 25: Why I Love My Friends…and Facebook
- 25: Never be in a hurry?
- 17: You’d never know
- 11: Balance at the Cross
- 10: Polar bear cubs in my house!
- 08: Four months, a tractor, my front porch, and a carousel
- 05: Best date ever.
- 05: This Week (the post-Christmas edition)
- 04:
- 03: Hello again
- 20: A worthy mission
- 20: Just enough grace for the step I’m on
- 14: Gabriel’s birthday party and some other photo goodies…
- 07: From Gabriel’s godfather:)
- 07: Gabriel’s birthday breakfast
- 07: Confessions of a former mommy know-it-all
- 06: Birthday trip to Toys R Us
- 06: This Week
- 04: Geaux Tigers!
- 01: Catholics come home–why I love being Catholic
- 26: Priorities check.
- 24: Family outing
- 21: Letter from the trenches
- 18: I’ll be back
- 17: My little pumpkin
- 10: Tupperware tantrums
- 10: Babies make me smile
- 05: Explosions
- 03: A sunshine of God’s love
- 02: Well hello again, St. Therese
- 01: Spiritual dryness
- 27: Confidence
- 26: Sugar and spice and everything nice
- 24: Weekly Highs and Lows
- 23: O me of little Faith
- 18: Angel baby
- 13: Lately…
- 10: Introducing Faith Lucia
- 29: No baby yet.
- 17: Summer successes – Part 2
- 17: Summer successes – Part 1
- 14: Gabriel the Explorer
- 14: Time flies
- 11: Radiant faith
- 08: Third Anniversary Night Out
- 04: Bizziness
- 28: Rest in Prayer
- 27: Of mommies and monks (CatholicMom.com version)
- 26: Thought for the week: A steady spirit
- 24: Thinking about babies
- 19: Of mommies and monks
- 18: Holy vs. Good Enough
- 18: The Man Likes His Cowboy Boots
- 16: The silence was golden.
- 13: Baby Love
- 07: Loving God for God’s Sake
- 06: Being outnumbered has its perks
- 03: First nap without a crib
- 28: Why YOU should visit Louisiana in March
- 23: Grace acts as soon as the soul cooperates
- 22: Quotes for the day
- 21: South Beach update
- 17: “And the Rockets red glare…”
- 16: Some Home Videos, and the start of a South Beach Adventure
- 14: Magnificent Mulch!
- 10: Tickle Fight!
- 10: Seasons of Life
- 05: Weekend adventures
- 03: Curtain Karma
- 27: In Praise of Big Strong Men and my new herb garden
- 25: Do I need thank you’s?
- 23: Bye Bye First Trimester! And Why Being Pregnant Doesn’t Make You Right
- 22: Beach weekend!
- 18: Off to the beach
- 15: A Valentine’s Day quote to grow with
- 13: Why Friday Made up for Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
- 11: A few pictures (and video!) that made my day today :)
- 06: All the time I need
- 02: The 8pm Shutdown – An update
- 30: The 8pm Shutdown
- 26: Snapshots of a messy kitchen, monster laundry, and a short reflection on Things Left Undone
- 24: This week
- 23: Slice of life: Our Saturday
- 20: (Really) nice news :)
- 16: Introducing: The Francos’ new Swagger Wagon (and a Really Old dining room table)
- 12: A real sit-down restaurant
- 10: Cotton Bowls, Tigers, Late night cooking craziness, long walks and whipped cream: my weekend
- 06: Per crucem ad lucem
- 04: Reading of the day
- 03: The Best Welcome-Home Surprise EVER
- 01: “Teach me how to dance,” and Gabriel’s sweet Faux Pas
- 29: Scriptures of the Day, and reflections on wisdom, family, and letting go of the Record
- 26: Quiet now cobwebs
- 26: Scripture of the Day
- 23: Living in perspective and eating your broccoli
- 21: I have a little BOY
- 19: Cute baby pictures, Baby G’s birthday dinner, sunglasses in December, home decor and a new Very Large Item
- 17: Bump on the head
- 16: Morning silliness
- 13: Big smile and Big Blue
- 11: Vivre d’Amour
- 09: Five shots and a lesson in suffering
- 07: Saints and angels
- 03: Homemade Advent wreath
- 02: Enough pictures to make up for my sorry lack of picture posting over the past month. I promise. :)
- 02: Is It Just Me, Or… (Second Edition)
- 25: Our trip to D.C.: Tour by Diaper Change
- 24: A “Trip” vs. a “Vacation”
- 21: So far, so good
- 18: Gabriel’s going to be a singing man.
- 18: That’s what you do when you love someone
- 16: New “This Week” section and Gabriel praying?
- 15: Hospitality
- 07: The best adjective to describe me right now is…
- 04: A great post on the business of becoming
- 04: I’m addicted to Gabriel Giggles!
- 02: A rainy morning poem
- 01: Zombies, spiked hair, a little lion, and unsung heroes
- 25: Crawling into trouble
- 19: The Payback Machine
- 18: Explosions. Part Four.
- 15: New hellos and goodbyes
- 14: Minty fresh trouble
- 13: How many working parents does it take watch two babies?
- 12: Do I need thank you’s?
- 09: Gabriel Saying “Da-Da”?!
- 07: An uncomfortable nap?
- 07: Monarch Butterfly vs. Praying Mantis?
- 06: My opinion about opinions
- 03: Late sleeper
- 30: A White Elephant weekend, complete with some very Tasty Francos, and some laughs from Gladys and friends
- 26: Lovely lady dressed in blue
- 26: I need to read!
- 25: I know you’re all just here for the pictures–and explosion stories :)
- 24: A new woman, and rambunctiousness
- 22: Mr. and Mrs. Fixit–and company
- 19: Today
- 14: Slice of a Friday
- 13: Thought for today, on suffering
- 02: A LOVELY weekend
- 30: “Wait–so I’m engaged now?!” — An amazing treasure from my past :)
- 30: Rough Day, Nice Day
- 28: (Somewhat) extreme measures
- 27: The polite thing to do
- 20: New baby pics and video galore!!
- 20: Baby food
- 19: The better part
- 19: Busy and ever inspired
- 16: Baby G – New 7-month pics and video
- 08: Under the weather
- 08: Baby food
- 03: T.G.I.S.
- 01: My little motor-man
- 01: Party success!
- 25: “Africa’s Mother Teresa” and a thought for today
- 24: Mambo Jambos and cookie cake is all that it is gonna take…
- 21: Triathlons, eating in the new house, and old friends
- 21: House pictures (pre-move)
- 17: I miss you!
- 11: Almost there
- 09: Booger head
- 04: “Let the waters rise, if You want them to…”
- 03: Goodbye lazy Sundays
- 24: Franco home videos!
- 22: Cutest baby ever.
- 21: Needed: Adult interaction
- 21: Pharisees among us
- 20: Who knew there were 1,000 shades of white to pick from? Seriously.
- 19:
- 17: Luaus, cleavage problems, brown hair and ALL the Franco Ladies
- 14:
- 12:
- 12: “Does this hat make me look like a girl?”
- 09: House happiness
- 05: “Get me away from these crazy people!” and other weekend snapshots
- 04: Mommies don’t get sick days
- 27: Earthquakes caused by too much cleavage?!
- 27: “And the little one said, ‘Roll over! Roll over!'” (PLUS a video of Gabriel laughing!!!)
- 26: Babies don’t like dragon breath
- 25: ‘Father of the Bride’ still makes me cry. And another heinous confession.
- 25: A hot date, shopping sprees, Romaine with dirt on it, and the happiest baby on the block
- 22: Priorities
- 21: A slice of (a not so bad) life
- 19: Haunted baby toys?
- 19: St. Ambrose on the power of God’s word
- 16: Frugalista? I’m working on it…
- 16: St. Gerard Majella, pray for us!
- 14: Polo shirt adorable-ness
- 14: Prayer to the Holy Spirit
- 13: The first four months of baby, and some news!
- 09: FauxPaw and Gabe
- 09: I can’t say no to this man…
- 06: Photo diary: Easter and visiting Gabriel’s GREAT great-grandparents
- 01:
- 31: I challenge you to…
- 30: Miss Thrifty strikes again
- 27: Field trip to the farmer’s market
- 24: There’s a baby dinosaur in my house
- 21: Parties, peas in a pod, police, and a pretty good Saturday
- 19: Missing Orion
- 16: Toot sweets, Settlers of Catan, and Laundry Epiphanies
- 10: I love Daddy
- 10: Holding down the fort
- 10: My new friend, the HEB greeter
- 09: Humility starts here
- 08: Picnics, sick babies and flowers
- 05: Last week of maternity leave…and no regrets
- 02: Shoulda knocked on wood…
- 01: Sleeping through the night?!
- 01: Rainy day pictures
- 01: Salmon disaster
- 28: PCE
- 27: Modesty survey?
- 25: Pictures from a morning with Mom, and some Gabe updates
- 25: A baby’s conversation with God
- 22: It was just an accident :(
- 20: A lovely Saturday morning
- 17: Gabriel’s baptism
- 16: Seven Hour Stretch
- 14: Gabriel, I dare you to move
- 12: Babies cry, and I’m not taking it personally
- 12: My motivational jeans
- 10: Beauty of the heart
- 06: To (Great) Gran’s House We Go…
- 04: Explosions. Part Three.
- 02: Where is home these days?
- 02: Photos from Who Dat?! Nation…
- 30: What a baby needs
- 27: Explosions. Part Two.
- 25: Please just let me brag a little…
- 25: New parent mistake = mass(ive) meltdown
- 24:
- 24: Do not grow weary of doing good
- 20: Maya Mama
- 18: Feeling a little glamorous again
- 10: Photo shoot
- 10: One gorgeous baby boy!
- 08: Flirting with boys
- 05: My New Mommy Craving: Bath-and-a-Book
- 31: Snow bear baby
- 30: Confessions of a new mom, part I
- 23: I should be taking a nap…part 2
- 22: I should be taking a nap…
- 19: He’s a keeper and other news
- 16: I woof you
- 15: You’re getting very sleepy…
- 14: Explosions
- 13: What’s in a name? God’s fingerprints, of course
- 11: Introducing Gabriel Adam Franco
- 06: Christmas at the Franco Jr. mansion
- 06: Picture at the Perrymans
- 04:
- 03: Dear Baby Franco,
- 30: Anxiety
- 27: Thanksgiving culinary home run – an Acceptance Speech
- 26: The Belles–er, Bellies–of Houston
- 19: Gorgeous Blogger Award
- 17: St. Peter, calling all apologists :-)
- 17: Calling all Catholic apologists–yes, that means you
- 15: 5 weeks to go…and some special news
- 10: Lockport baby shower
- 10: What image of God do you want to give to your children?
- 06: You can post comments now!
- 05: Fitness models, hot tea, lawyers, ninjas and happy babies
- 05: “Baby University” Class #1
- 05: Great iced sugar cookie recipe
- 02: Our Halloween costumes
- 02: Parenting Practice
- 31: Halloween and All Saints Day
- 28: Baby PR diva learns a lesson
- 27: Pro-life pumpkin looks oddly familiar…
- 26:
- 26: Missing the Berryhills
- 22:
- 22: “A million New Yorkers are good without God. Are you?”
- 22:
- 22: Ultrasound
- 21: Just “going through the motions”?
- 19: Pumpkin carving
- 19: For Brooke, David and Grant
- 17:
- 16: New Dell, New Day!
- 16:
- 15:
- 15: Morning prayer
- 14:
- 14:
- 13:
- 13:
- 10:
- 08: Baby Update
- 29: What I’m Looking Forward to in the Third Trimester
- 27: Complaining
- 24: Pregnancy Pics!
- 23: Wearing Our “Sunday Best”
- 22: A Sexual Counter-Revolution Needs a Dose of Theology of the Body
- 22: “Franco’s Song”
- 21: Happy Birthday Mom!
- 21: Some Verses on Tough Times and God’s Plans for Us
- 17: Dancing Queen–or King?
- 16: Job Perks
- 15: Not my first Classic New Cook Mistake…
- 10: Women’s ACTS this weekend
- 08:
- 08: Wonderful article on humility
- 08: Fall Reading List!
- 08: Ahhh…curtains :)
- 03: Family Dinner
- 02: While I’m Waiting
- 01: Registering Woes…Again