Gabriel is crawling up a storm these days..and getting into everything! Pulling the tablecloth off the side table, trying to eat electrical cord (yikes!), sticking small objects in his mouth, following Michael and I everywhere, and running to the front door to greet his Daddy as soon as he hears Michael’s voice coming through the front door. Gabriel Adam is glorying in his new mobility 🙂
It’s completely adorable, but daunting. We have to watch him much more closely!
Here are some little home videos from our weekend:
Gabriel racing for the front door when he hears his Daddy walking in from work:
Watching the Wings over Houston air show on Sunday afternoon from our front yard.
I wish I could capture some video of my favorite part of Gabriel’s newfound mobility: when he sees me from across the room and crawls right to me and up into my arms, all the while with the biggest two-toothed smile you’ve ever seen! The first time he did it was almost as wonderful than the first time he looked me in the eye and smiled up at me. 🙂
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