The after-mass family photo from Easter π
My darling love
Faith and her great-grandmother, Mema
8 months old! Not quite crawling, but trying really hard. Sleeping all night…eating solids…wearing 9-month outfits already…and looking more and more like her daddy. She also says “Da-Da” now. So far, Michael is two-for-two on having him be our kids’ first word. We’ll have to work on that with future Franklets. God-willing of course.:)
Almost 2 1/2! He told me last Friday, “I a see-we-ull guy” (cereal:). Like father, like son. Favorite foods are “wed bees” (red beans and rice), “nuts” (donuts), “dooce” (juice), and “nanas” (bananas). He also loves puddles. Any kind of puddle. Any size. Not potty training yet but likes to talk often about “poopy.” He likes to sing “Alleluia” (the one from mass), “Edelweiss,” “The Wheels on the Bus,” “The ABC Song,” “I’m in the Lord’s Army,” and “Jesus Loves Me.”
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