Here are pictures and video from Uncle Adam’s visit last week for the Kahdalea/Chosatonga camp showing, AND from Lulu and Faux Paw’s visit last weekend. Enjoy!
I was obviously singing very badly one day, and Gabriel took a liking to two particular, not-very-good notes I strung together at some point. And he would sing them to mimic me! You be the judge. I think this kid will be a singing man:
A singing man like this one that is:
Mark LaBelle playing some tunes for the crowd at the camp showing last Monday night
The setup for the showing. Note the flood light above the garage doors that Michael (with the help of some faithful friends..ahem…Jason Barbour) spent hours installing all by himself – It really makes a difference!
Uncle Adam Trufant (Gabriel’s godfather) feeding him lunch
Wonderful Uncle Adam again 🙂
Gabriel with his new nebulizer.
Daddy and Gabriel with the nebulizer.
Lulu (my mom) and Gabriel at BJ’s Brewhouse for Great Aunt Mary’s birthday lunch. Lulu was VERY excited to see her beautiful grandson again!
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