I’m a words girl, and God surely knows it (since He made me that way!). He often finds a way to reach my heart with the written word. I haven’t been blogging much lately (have you noticed?:) but I have been doing a little reading: some great blogs and books —not to mention Scripture (thanks for the advice, Katie!). I am so humbly grateful to God for helping me turn a corner these past few days with how I’ve been handling all the stress in my life. I haven’t been handling it well at times, to be honest.
I highly recommend Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence by St. Claude de la Colombiere and Father Jean Baptiste Saint Jure. I found this book in the bottom of my purse unexpectedly. I must have put it there months ago. I don’t know if that says more about God making sure it was there for me, or more about how messy my purse is. Please pick up a copy of this book–it’s short and easy to read and full of much-needed truth on trusting God’s providence to weave together and direct every moment of our lives for our good and for His plan.-
My friend Katie recently posted a great quote by Pope Francis about choosing to be positive in the face of everyday challenges. What struck me most was her pointing out that we have to call out who we are letting take over our thoughts and exaggerate our fears. I think that women, especially, can have a tendency to get carried away by our thoughts. It is important for me to remind myself that pessimism, hopelessness, and bitterness are not from God.On the contrary, God “does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline” (2 Tim 1:7) I know that Katie won’t mind if I share this from her post:
“Let us never give in to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil tempts us with every day.” – Pope Francis Oh how perfectly this resounds with me. Write it down and stick it on the fridge – it’s time we were more aware of just who drags us down in day-to-day living. The domestic life – husband, kids, house – can be pretty arduous sometimes; and especially when it comes to our interactions with spouses and little ones, it’s easy to be a little more raw than sweet if we’re feeling spent from the daily grind. But God is not the author of bitterness or pessimism. He is not the voice of doubt and dismay. In all circumstances of such negativity, recall that it is Satan who wants to drag us down, divide us from those we love, and more than anything else, separate us from God.
If you have never done a consecration to Our Lady, or if you need to renew your consecration (like me), please pick up a copy of this book.
Style, Sex & Substance: 10 Catholic Women Consider the Things that Really Matter – This is a good one, girls. A funny, easy, encouraging, inspiring read.
Praying with St. Therese of Lisieux, by Father Joseph Schmidt
Thanks to my precious friend Lauren for lending me this book with a chapter I really needed to read already earmarked for me.
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