“Mommy, you’re a sweet girl like a grandma!” – Gabriel
“I can’t find the trolls!” – Gabriel (He couldn’t find the TV controllers)
“…and forgive us our trespassissessessis…” – Faith (reciting the Our Father)
“Poopy diaper! Poopy diaper! …ad nauseum…” – Both kids, whenever they see Uncle Ry-Ry. He’s the one who is going to have to dig himself out of that one.
Faith is quite the comedian sometimes, especially at mealtimes. She will chew with her eyes closed until someone notices her. She will do the “whale bite” and make “whale noises” and big circles with her spoon until chomping down on her bite dramatically at the last second.
The other day, Faith poured water from her sippy cup on Gianna’s face when Gianna was crying in her carseat. Not sure what she was going for with that one…
Gabriel held Gianna’s little hand and kept kissing her during Family Prayer tonight. He can be so exquisitely sweet sometimes.
I have got to start a link-up where my fellow mommy bloggers can share (and chronicle on our blogs:) these cute moments with one another. We will forget about it all unless we write it down (or type it up:) somewhere!
a link up would be a great idea! my problem is, that I I dont write it down that exact second it happens, I usually forget it, lol.
I totally agree with Gabe on that… you are sweet like a Grandma!