In typical Franco style, we did A LOT today! All fueled my husband’s boundless energy. It’s really impressive, actually. I’ve only seen him take a handful of naps in the entire time I’ve known him.
I, on the other hand, would feel a hundred times closer to Heaven on Earth if I could take a 1.5 hour nap every day, pregnant or not. :0)
Here’s how our day went today:
7:30 a.m. – I am jarred awake by sticky little hands beating on my chest, some drops of drool flying onto my face, and a pair of bright blue eyes grinning excitedly at me. Daddy thought it would be cute to let Gabriel wake Mommy up. It was cute–but not that cute at the time. Mental note: Ask Michael to find gentler ways to wake me up with the babies.
7:30-9 a.m. – This time period of our day is quite fuzzy for me, since I was so tired and nauseated that I think I mostly let Michael take care of Gabriel and make breakfast (waffles) while I spent time in the bathroom, on the couch, and finally back in bed.
9 a.m. – Michael wakes me up to ask me if I want to go bowling in an hour with our friend Lucy and her boys for Lucy’s birthday. I briefly consider the option of sleeping at the house for another couple of hours and then maybe getting some little things done while Michael took Gabriel out to the bowling alley, but then I realize I am actually feeling much better, and I wouldn’t want to miss an outing with Lucy, her boys, and my boys for anything. I manage to get out of bed, borrow a smile from God (thanks, Adam π and get dressed.
10:30 a.m. – We arrive at the bowling alley (which is actually really nice inside!) with six little boys under 3 and five adults. We have a blast. Michael teaches the older boys how to bowl, and tries to teach me too but is unsuccessful. I ended up in last place, 25 points from the person above me. I blame it on the baby π
12:30 p.m. – We head home, stopping to eat at Dave’s Smokehouse with our friend Jason. Dave’s is having their $.99 chopped beef brisket sandwich promotion, and Michael and I get a huge meal for us and Gabriel for $5! Gabriel LOVES brisket.
1:15 p.m. – We get home, and put our very tired, grateful baby down for a nap. Then the baby’s tired, nauseated and grateful mother crashes on the couch for the next hour and a half. Michael goes outside and starts taking down our Christmas lights (so you’ve found us out, we’re those neighbors who take forever to take down Christmas :).
3:45 p.m. – I wake up, eat a snack, and head outside to weed our front flower beds, which have begun to be hidden by weeds and encroaching grass (again, we’re those neighbors:). Gabriel wakes up almost as soon as I get started, so I go inside to feed him a snack.
4:00 p.m. – Gabriel, Michael and I spend the next two hours weeding the yard (me), taking down lights (Michael), and licking muddy rocks and sticks (Gabriel). We all have a great time until we all decide we are tired, hungry, cold, and quite done with our afternoon activities. I still have big piles of weeds and sticks to bag up tomorrow morning, but all the weeding is done and the yard looks SO much better!
6:15 p.m. – I feed Gabriel dinner.
6:40 p.m. – I give Gabriel a bath.
7:00 p.m. – I give Gabriel a bottle. Then he chews on his toothbrush while I read him books.
7:15 p.m. – Gabriel goes cheerfully to bed. I start running laundry, handwashing a big pile of delicates, cleaning the kitchen, and (of all things?) dusting my bedroom and re-arranging my dresser. Michael hunts for a program CD he needs for his new woodworking tool.
8:20 p.m. – I sit down to write this blog post. Michael sits down to watch The Office on his laptop.
8:45 p.m. – I will go to take a hot shower, do some reading, take my prenatals and nighttime nausea medicine, put on some fuzzy socks, and then drift to sleep by 9:15.
Sounds good to me. π
fairycakegirl says
I love that song!! As for being sick during pregnancy. Oh my! I had 13 hospital admissions on iv fluids, NG tube fed. I saw every consultant in our area, each one saying I was the worst case of hyperemesis they had ever seen. Then my waters broke at 31 weeks and I had a beautiful baby girl who thanks be to God was fine and guess what the sickness was gone. Hard work but so worth it. Hope you are doing better!
Katie S. says
We just have to meet someday! So much in common! I just got a job as a "Catholic Wife/Mom" columnist, too! How exciting! I'm writing for our diocesan publication and my first article is published in just two days π
AAAAAAND!! CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! What a gift! I hope your nausea goes away soon! and enjoy your two little blessings and wonderful husband!
The Clarks says
Thank you Erin for your sweet message! I want you to know that you are on my prayer list as well. Just hang in there, we can get through this together! I also try to remember that the sickness means that everything is working correctly. I know what you mean with cravings and being on a budget! We did go get sushi last night, but we definetly went over the budget (it's expensive) and Daniel didn't say anything! It is truely a blessing to have a husband that is sensitive to our preg. symptoms. If not then they should be reminded that we are the ones to gain about 30 pounds in 9 months and go through the Labor and Delivery!!!
Alzbeta says
Good to know. The hope is, of course, that the next pregnancy will be less painful, but if not… I'll have some ideas. I was lucky that I was only working very, very part time with the first pregnancy and therefore spent most of it in my bed. However, I think I'd like to closely resemble a mommy to Miss Anni while growing her a little sibling :). Thanks for the info! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your pregnancy!
Erin says
I take Zofran in the daytime and Phenergan (sp?) for the nighttime nausea I get. Both of them are real lifesavers if you're losing sleep or can't function normally during the daytime because of nausea. I try not to take them both all the time, just when I know I need a great night's rest or during the week when I have to be "on" for work and taking care of Gabriel in the mornings. π
Alzbeta says
Ok, so of all the things to zero in on, I'm curious about your nighttime nausea medicine. Weird, I know, and totally ok if it is too strange for me to ask about it. I was sick all 7.5 months of my pregnancy (she came early), but never took anything to help. We plan on having more little ones, but the idea of being so nauseous for so long again makes me cringe, so I'm curious as to what works for people :).