I took Faith and Gianna with me to the doctor a few weeks ago because I had been sick with a terrible cold for a couple of days and felt completely awful. The girls were sick as well with little colds of their own.
Taking Care of Aging Parents is a much less celebrated and talked about cup than Young Motherhood. And that’s saying something, ‘cuz it takes a lot to make motherhood look glamorous.
My mom and her sisters don’t have the hope of things getting better, or the hope of delighting in the abundant harvest of their labor one day (at least here on earth). They don’t have a bunch of inspiring blogs about Caregiving to read. Their Kindles aren’t full of cute e-books on finding domestic bliss and raising little saints.
They don’t text their friends and husbands every time they have a rough day: “Look-I’m-so-clever-and-making-light-of-it-but-really-please-do-feel-sorry-for-me-and-bring-me-chocolate.”
I don’t think “sufficient grace” means that we will be able to skip in on a cloud and smile through life’s tough moments.
Maybe sufficient grace means that we are able to wait to cry until we get home.
Maybe sufficient grace is having the thought, when we’re in the thick of things, that there is someone we are dear to who knows, respects, and sympathizes with our struggle.
Maybe sufficient grace is learning to let that person be Jesus alone.
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