I’ve been rocking and rolling over here this summer! Getting a podcast off the ground is no joke.
But I’ve also been sort of drowning at some points these past couple of months (my husband would probably add the word “understatement” somewhere in there). Big projects like this take lots of time, and babysitting, and more babysitting. And frozen pizza for dinner. Not to mention really late nights and even earlier mornings. And a seriously amazing husband who supports me even when I bite off more than I can chew and don’t let anyone tell me so until it’s my idea. Love you, babe.:)
So for those seven of you who were eagerly anticipating a Wednesday, July 1 launch–hold your horses until Saturday, July 4.
I’m not Super Woman, you know.
I wanted to let anybody who’s completely devastated at the delay of the podcast that I’d totally have been able to launch on schedule if I didn’t have a two-year-old who does things like this:
and this:
and this:
in the space of an hour.
And if I didn’t wake up to little hands knocking on my door saying things like “Mommy, I pee-peed in my bed okay what’s for breakfast?” Or my recent favorite, when one of the girls came into our room early in the morning with swollen hands and feet covered in an itchy, bright red rash:
Yikes. (We went to the doc and Faith was in apparently perfect health again less than three days later. The other two kids never got whatever little virus caused this.)
We’ve also been celebrating:
(Yes, that’s an entire can of green decorator icing we used on Michael’s cookie cake. I highly recommend it.)
And marrying uncles off to lovely Mississippi girls:
And spraying Mommy with water guns:
And almost being eaten by local boa constrictors.
Besides all of that, real life is messy, ya’ll. No matter how humble you try to be. No matter how hard you pray, or how organized you are, or how perfectly prioritized your tasks. As a mother of three young children five and under (who can all run faster than me, it seems), I have to be flexible, on my toes, and may I add completely unfazed when I find another cracked egg on the kitchen floor.
But it’s a consolation and an inspiration to me that everyday life is where saints are made. All these cracked eggs and terrifically messy and numerous toddler messes and loud-and-crazy bath times have a purpose: my path to Heaven. No, I can’t work my way to Heaven–my salvation is a free and wondrous gift given to me by Christ my Savior. But my vocation keeps me in line. Satan’s cry as he fell from Heaven was “I will not serve!” And so in choosing to serve in our daily lives, we choose God. Even if our service is yet another crazy bath time.
And that is why I’m moving the podcast launch back a couple of days. It’s also why I won’t have quite a full 10 episodes ready (although they’ve already been recorded). Like I said, the world doesn’t need my podcast, but my family needs me. And they prefer the sweeter, more patient version of me.
Make sure that you check back on the site Saturday to start entering the great giveaways I’ve set up to run all throughout the month of July. On Wednesday, I will post another little teaser listing out the topics and guests from the wonderful shows we’ve done so far. I’m excited–but a little nervous too!–to share my “baby” with all of you, but I have a feeling you’ll like what you hear.
God bless!
P.S. I have my hands full, but I have super kids. Praise God!
Whoever dropped that egg on the floor is clearly a chef in the making. It may have been frustrating, but the memories are worth it. 😉
You’re so right! One of my favorite lines from a book on parenting in these “little years” is this: “When the harvest is in, you won’t even remember the work of all this planting.” (Rachel Jankovic in “Loving the Little Years”)
I can be bad about not letting the kids “help” enough in the kitchen. All of those grabby little hands add time and energy to my deadline of getting a meal on the table. So I started letting them help out a lot at lunchtimes instead of dinner, since it’s just us at home during the day and the deadline for lunch is flexible.:)