Today, my humble pie tasted like tears and smelled like flowers.
I had a discouraging couple of hours with Gabriel this morning. More me Making Mountains out of Molehills than him being a Terrible Two-Year-Old. In all honesty.
I got home at lunch time from the morning’s activities, and–bada-bing-bada-boom–there was some drama involving a hungry, impatient little boy and his over-emotional mommy (and one loudly fussing little sister)…and then Michael walked in the room and I burst into tears.
I love having Michael work from home now, but there is a new element in my life that I didn’t foresee…the fact that Michael is around the house more to see all the little daily dramas that come with raising little ones….and how I sometimes don’t handle them very gracefully.
Being the amazing husband that he is, Michael bought Gabriel a bouquet of flowers to give me in apology for being so awful this morning. I heard Michael come in the door, beckon me to stay in the kitchen, and then two minutes later, precious Gabriel walks up to me with a huge grin and says with the utmost gravity, “Sowwy Mommy. I yuv you!” I teared up again…because my little boy probably deserves flowers of his own in apology from me for being awful to him this morning.
Ah…gotta love that humble pie. Especially when it’s this sweet. 🙂
JB says
What a great story! Thank you for all the great posts. I really enjoy them.
Thank you so much for your humility and honesty! I feel so similarly with my children some days (and my sweet husband!) One day, Charlie woke up from his nap and told me that God had spoken to him while he was quiet and asked him to pick me some roses from our front yard. So sweet, and I know that God is smiling down on us trying to be the best mothers we can be!
Thanks for your sweet posts lately!