As much as I do have some great sanity savers, and have the kids help me, and try hard to start the day right, my house still feels like is a disaster a lot of the time. Part of it is that we’re all here, all day, every day. And part of it is keeping up with laundry, three-meals-and-two-snacks-a-day, and wiping up toothpaste blobs and strawberry tops that somehow found their way all over the hallway carpet. There are also my own weaknesses and those of my children, and there are doctor’s appointments, extracurricular activities, travel, my husband going out of town, stomach bugs, third trimesters, first trimesters, everybody-wakes-up-grumpy days, and the list goes on. It’s easy for me to get frustrated. I work so hard to keep up with my house, but I can’t seem to be consistent. There’s also the fact that perhaps I am a little too attached to receiving my personal peace from a certain level of tidiness in my home, rather than from a deeper Source.
I love when some of my favorite bloggers and authors open up about what their real life looks like. It’s so easy to paint a picture of somebody else’s life that isn’t true at all (particularly in the blogging world!). Don’t get me wrong: I love to get my house looking lovely and gracious and ship-shape. But as you’ll see, the day-to-day over here is as real as it gets. All of these pictures were taken just before I put the kids down for rest time after lunch. (I think I had to make them eat outside that day because the kitchen table was still covered with school stuff.)
Whether or not your house is 10x cleaner or 10x messier than mine today (or every day!), I encourage you to join me in learning how to give your homemaking to God, seeking your peace and worth in Him rather than in what it looks like around you.
I’m slowing down big time right now: I’m about six weeks out from my due date with Baby #5. What a freeing truth it is for me that technically I can please God immensely and do all of His God’s will for a particular day…and still have a messy house by the time I slip into bed. Because sometimes, His will is to take care of myself mentally and physically–by leaving a kitchen-full of dishes and crumbs to go to bed on time (or actually spend some time with my husband at night). And sometimes, His will is to spend 45 minutes on the phone counseling a friend in crisis who called suddenly–instead of cleaning up.
God bless!
Kathryn H. says
Thank you for sharing! All I can think of is Trace Adkins’s song “You’re Going to Miss This.” It makes me cry every time. 🙂
Suzanne says
Thank you for these consoling posts. I don’t how I got connected with your blogs but somehow the Lord delivers just the message I need and it often comes from your timely blogs that refreshingly encourage me right where I am at. We have the same problem with the kitchen being our everything room. And as my children are getting older I’m noticing funky smells through the house…just another thing I found myself getting discouraged by that I couldn’t keep up on. It’s so great to get out of the feeling of being odd and isolated, thank you! I struggle with concerns that my older children will think having more kids is “too much” because our house is always a bit chaotic and cluttered just by nature. Your post encourages me that that idea is probably more from me than from their innocent little hearts that just love their family and home. Thanks! God bless you and your growing family. Thank you for sharing your talents and wisdom on your blog. God has picked a great voice of course.
Erin Franco says
Suzanne, I have been so entrenched in my “day job” these past few months that I’ve barely checked my blog…I’m sorry that I’m just not seeing your wonderful comment! God bless:)
Kary says
Thank you so much for this refreshing dose of reality… truly. Everyone says the years are long but the days are short. You have been blessed tremendously. My Husband and I have only been blessed with 1 child, despite our ardent desire for more. I know how I struggle with my house, and I commend you for sharing pics of what a real house with real life and faith looks like. Oh…. and I have true SAME washing machine. Mine doesn’t leak but the in we seal is always molding. I pray you have a healthy delivery of your baby soon. Your posts inspire me and give pause for a lot of prayer and reflection. Wish I had ‘Domestic Church’ here in California. God Bless You and your family!
Aymee says
This was uplifting and real. I appreciate you being so open and honest with us. When I listen to someone like you and see your beautiful blog it’s easy to think you have it all together and that you have a perfect life but it’s encouraging to know that you are living an ordinary life like the rest of us and struggle with the same things we do. And yet you do this amazing writing and speaking. It’s very impressive. Thanks all around. I would love to hear an interview of you with Finer Femininity blogger Leanne. Do you ever look at her blog? It’s my favorite but I really love this one too because you’re in the thick of it and she has already been through it.
Erin Franco says
Aymee, I am just now seeing your comment! I’ve been far, far away from even checking on my blog for a little while now. Please excuse my late response! 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m definitely in the thick of it. I wish I had more time to write–maybe it would help me process things better. I’ve never heard of Finer Femininity, but then again, I’m not online much this year as a whole.:) I would love to go check out that blog, though!
Erin Franco says
You’re welcome:) And thank you for your prayers for a good delivery…it was! Hoping to post soon about it. I miss blogging more regularly, but God has not provided the time and energy for a while now. Hoping he’s got more plans for me soon.:)