We are all recovering well from the Gabriel Plague of 2012, but are still eating simply due to lingering sensitivity in our GI systems.
I’ve managed to clean out the car seats and do most of the dirty laundry, plus clean the kitchen for the first time in a few days. I am hugely thankful for that! I’m scared to go look in the van though…that poor vehicle is going to need some lovin’ very soon after all it went through recently! Starting with an air freshener to cover the puke smell…
I don’t feel like being a Mom today. I don’t feel like eating toast and jello and bananas again all day. But I’m trying to say yes. Yes to this small not-bad-in-the-grand-scheme-of-things “for worse” period.
We all have to say “yes” again and again and again in our lives. To Christ, to motherhood, to marriage, to parenting, to our jobs, and to living in perspective.
So, I say “yes” to the Lord today.
To not being snappy with my kids or my husband. To making toast and jello faces on lunch plates for the kids. To not obsessing about the next time I get can away for some “me” time. To praising God for how blessed things are, considering how much worse they could be.
Sheri: thanks for the Scentsy advice! I know a couple of girls I think who sell it. So far, Lysol and vinegar have worked though!
Leanne: I'm so excited you "found" my little blog! Today, I had to say 'yes' to having a good attitude when attending mass for the Feast of the Assumption, and I just knew they were going to be awful, since the mass I had to take them to was right at lunch time! By the grace of God, though, my kids were angels today. I had plenty of prayer time to pray for all the other sweet moms in the cry-room whose kids were "melting" in some way or another. π
This was beautiful!! I found your blog tonight by searching "Ways to encourage your spouse- Catholic!" It took me to your post back in March and I've been browsing around!! Today I had to say "yes" to cleaning bathrooms. That is my LEAST favorite thing to do ever! Hope you and your family are feeling better!
Love the post and have some advice. Both of my kids were sick in my car this past week. Scentsy makes Odor Out. Amazing stuff! If you don't know a Scentsy girl, I know a couple. Check it out!
You are such a lovely person and I admire you greatly. Thank you for the reminder…I needed that π
You are so sweet–thank you! I'm glad you heard something you needed to hear. That is my desire for HH. Today, I need to read this post every morning. I didn't get up on time to make breakfast for Michael and prep for the day, and already I feel such a temptation to be snippy because things have been a little chaotic and I'm irritated with myself for sleeping in. π
Great post! It is so hard to not be selfish. I read the post about the horrible drive! You have such a fabulous attitude. I hope that I can react the same way in a similar situation. I'm pretty much dramatic about everything.
Thank you! I surely TRY to have a good attitude. As with probably every blogger out there, it's easier "said" than done though! Blessings on you, today. π
Beautiful! The selfish part of me wants to say NO NO NO when I'm tired physically or mentally – to claim "me" time spitefully; but what good does it do anyone? Certainly none, especially for me. Thank you a million times over for this reminder to submit to God's will from minute to minute!
You're welcome.:) I secretly wish I could see my guardian angel so he or she could constantly give me little cues as to when I'm messing up. It's easier to be selfish and to feel sorry for yourself when no one else is looking, right?