I thought it was time for a general baby update.
Baby Franco is doing great! We had a doctor’s appointment today and we are currently at 29 weeks and 1 day. Baby Franco has a strong heartbeat and moves (make that rolls, somersaults and ninja kicks) all the time. As of this week, we now “graduate” to checkups every two weeks (instead of monthly). We also scheduled our 3D/4D ultrasound today for a couple of weeks from now. Bets are out to how long it takes Michael to put together an amazing music video to that footage…
Mom is feeling fine these days as well. Well…except for the daily fatigue, back pain, fitful sleep, and cravings for Smoothie King strawberry Yogurt D-Lite smoothies. On that note, I should record that my pregnancy craving for pizza was satisfied last weekend by me eating the equivalent of almost entire pizza by myself over three days. Kudos to my husband for graciously acquiescing to me not cooking all weekend…
Michael and I really think we’re having a boy. I keep having random people tell me that I “look” like I am having a boy because I am carrying the baby very low. The amount of ninja kick activity this baby engages in is also supposed to be a strong indicator of male gender. In the end, it’s so exciting to think that we won’t actually know if this baby is a boy or a girl until we meet him or her in person!
In other news, Michael and I set up our beautiful baby crib this evening. (Thanks Mom and Gran!) In true Franco style, we took some cheesy video of us putting the crib together. 🙂
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