The last few weeks in the Franco household have been bizzy, as in busy+dizzy=bizzy.
As in I’m making up goofy words to describe my life bizzy. π
Busy because Michael is getting more and more CrossCutt customers, which means he is working more and more afternoons/evenings per week, which means we don’t see him as much anymore, which means I’m on my own quite a lot more than our lives B.C. (Before CrossCutt).
Dizzy because I’m doing all this with a rebellious teenager (did I type that? I meant toddler) in tow, plus celebrating a (fantastic!!!!) birthday and an anniversary or two, plus carrying around an almost-here Baby Girl who likes to nap on top of my bladder, make me tired all the time, and keep me up tossing and turning every night.
I’ve been trying my heart out to deal with all the bizziness in my life with vigilant daily prayer and patience. And God has been good to me.
I had a much-needed, wonderful visit from my mom and sister this past weekend–complete with a surprise visit from my little brother, who drove with a family friend to surprise me and spend the weekend with us! I also had a few friends throw me a baby “sprinkle” on Saturday. My mom and sister took me shopping on Monday to pick up the rest of my New Baby Necessities, and it felt great to spend some quality Girl Time with them, as well as finish getting everything together that I need to bring this baby home.
The next few weeks are going to be just as bizzy. Maybe bizzier.
Our summer roommate, Katie, is leaving us this coming Sunday. My Anniversary Night Out is this coming Saturday, and my aunt will be coming to babysit Gabriel and help me with a few baby projects around the house. And our fall roommate, Colin, will be arriving in just about a week and a half to stay with us for the fall. It’s definitely a non-traditional situation having someone come to live with you right before the birth of a new baby, but Colin is going to be a desperately-needed help to Michael with our growing business, and I think that he will be a huge help to me with Gabriel and with the house.
Baby Girl is due on Sept. 6. I can’t believe it’s so close.
I will confess that I am going to be much, much readier to have this baby than I was my first baby! I think it’s because this pregnancy is so much more physically challenging for me. π
Send some prayers to Houston, please! We need them! π
Am so happy for you and hope labor goes well. Random question, was it hard to change the font on this website? I want to change mine. π