I love this campaign and I’m so thrilled that the Church has put together such a well-produced, loving, and to-the-point message. It’s much needed.
I know far too many people (many of them wonderful people and amazing Christians) with terrible misconceptions about Catholic teachings or even the Catholic religion as a whole. The tough part is that some of these people “grew up Catholic” and have simply written off the Church forever. I’ve met many people who had a bad experience with a particular person, parish or clergy member. Others have simply believed what people told them about Catholics and have simply never looked at what the Church actually teaches or the surprising (and beautifully, Biblically faithful) explanations behind those teachings. The toughest challenge for the Church is the very humanity of her members. People at every level of the Church have failed it and everyone around them throughout history, but the point is that the Church is still here. With the same teachings. The same call to support life in every way, to find ourselves in the cross of Christ, and to love one another in imitation of God.
I honestly, with-all-my-heart love being Catholic. Since I began to embrace the Church and its teachings in college, God has only brought me closer and closer to Himself and more and more to peace and purpose. The more I learn about my faith, the more I love it. I never cease to be awed by this institution that Christ created to help us know, love and serve Him. Despite all of the richness and complexity of the Church, the Church’s teaching and tradition (if not always its human members) point always, always, always to Christ.
Please spread the word about this Website and campaign 🙂
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