Just as we can’t expect to totally relax on a family vacation with little ones, we can’t expect our entire motherhood experience to be Happily Ever After. We all know here that sometimes–and by sometimes I mean often for many of us–we would rather be a thousand other places than dealing with what we deal with some moments of the day. (Bathtime, anyone? Waking up at the crack of dawn to cries of “pee pee! PEE PEE!”)
Just like we have to look for those vacation moments, we have to look for those Happily Ever After Moments in our days.
I try to cultivate an attitude in myself that helps me look for those Happily Ever After Moments. The surprising thing that helped me to start really being intentional about that was my Facebook feed. I know so many wonderful mothers who post about funny or sweet things their kids do. I have a handful of friends who have probably the funniest kids on the planet, and I love reading about the hilarious things they do and say. Reading those posts always reminds me to enjoy the Happily Ever After moments with my kids. It’s funny how social media makes the genuine joy of these mom friends so contagious to me in a good way. God uses many things to draw us to him. 🙂
Beautiful!!! Just what I needed!