Tonight at mass, I got one of those Heavenly Wakeup Calls that God likes to use in my life. Today’s Gospel, Luke 10:38-42, recounted Jesus’ visit to Mary and Martha’s house. Perhaps some of you are familiar with the story:
“Jesus entered a village where a woman whose name was Martha welcomed him. She had a sister named Mary who sat beside the Lord at his feet listening to him speak. Martha, burdened with much serving, came to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me by myself to do the serving? Tell her to help me.” The Lord said to her in reply, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. There is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part and it will not be taken from her.”
How coincidental that I’ve been working my way this year through daily guided meditations on the four Gospels in a fantastic book called, “The Better Part.” And how coincidental that this was today’s Scripture reading, when I’ve failed to do my morning prayer and reading for about two weeks now because I’ve been so busy with travel and endless to-do lists?
I’m such a Martha.
I am so anxious to serve my friends and family, to visit and make meals and run errands and keep a clean house and call this person back and plan this and do that–that I’ve let my morning prayer time go by the wayside lately.
I pray over Gabriel every night in his bed. I pray that God would give me wisdom as a mother, wife and parent, and that He would help me to grow into a better person for my family. How funny that I beg Jesus to help me better myself every night, and then I’m unfaithful to my commitment to spend time with Him each morning so that He can teach me how to do that!
I’m such a Martha. I can imagine Him smiling down on my near-constant state of some level of anxiety over everything I have to do. From balancing the checkbook to buying a late wedding gift to making dinner and getting toilet paper since we’re down to the last box of tissues, I always have about thirty things on my to-do list.
All of those are things I “need” to do. But I am reminded today that there’s really only one thing I need to do, and all the rest will fall into place. I need to sit with God every day and let Him tank me up with peace and grace, and the wisdom that comes from knowing Him more deeply through prayer and meditation on His Word.
Erin, this is SO true! I feel like sometimess God has to give me a good kick in the butt to remind me why it's so important to nurture my relationship with Him daily – and today your blog was my kick in the butt. So thanks, Martha. :o)