I’m officially past my first trimester! AND I’m happy to report that I’m feeling much better over the past few days. I even went on a walk this morning with Gabriel, something I haven’t had the energy or desire to do in weeks. I’ll admit that it’s been rough over the past six weeks!
I praise God in His mercy and timing that he sent us Chris and Jenay to help us over this past month while Chris did a medical school rotation here in Houston. I don’t know what I would have done without them. Cried a lot more probably. Both me and Gabriel. And probably Michael. And we would have eaten a lot more frozen pizza and macaroni and cheese for dinner, that’s for sure. 🙂
Aside from my physical trials with nausea and fatigue, I’ve struggled a bit with being very emotional lately. I’ve felt extra sensitive about little things, like housework being backed up, whininess from Gabriel, or a conversation that turns less than positive about some topic or another.
Being pregnant doesn’t make you right. I wish it did! I want SO much to do and feel and say and want the right thing. But alas, being pregnant doesn’t (and shouldn’t) give you the kind of leverage we all secretly wish we had. 🙂 Michael isn’t going to bow to my every thought, opinion and desire just because I’m carrying his second child. And that’s OK; that’s the way it should be. One lesson I’ve learned in my relatively short adult life is that life must go on, no matter what’s going on. The everyday reality of that really hit me over this past month, especially. I did have lots of help, in the form of Chris, Jenay, and a very sweet, hardworking and patient husband, but many things still fell to me to get done. It was so humbling for me to be so weak, but to still have to care for my toddler and keep a house in working order!
Alexa says
I know all too well how you feel! I am sending electronic hugs your way!