Dear Baby Franco,
After our appointment with Dr. Taylor today, Daddy was disappointed to realize that he will NOT be meeting you in person today–full moon or not. (By the way, when you have babies of you own one day, you will think of the word “dilate” in a whole new way.)You are just 6 1/2 lbs or so, guesses Dr. Taylor. Mommy and Daddy both agree that you can stay in and get a little bigger if you want. You are in perfect position, with your head cushioned comfortably (for you) right on top of Mommy’s bladder. Remind me to ask you one day, but my theory is that you decided to keep your head right on top of my bladder so that you could get Mommy to waddle instead of walk: you must absolutely love the side-to-side-but-still-forward rocking motion. I guess I can’t blame you much.
We need to have a special talk about some Very Important Appointments that Mommy scheduled today.
First of all, Mommy will be getting her hair cut and highlighted on Friday afternoon. She is very excited about this. Even though I don’t know if you will have any hair yet, I wanted to make sure that mine will look nice for first impressions’ sake (you will be wearing a little hat most of the time once you’re out in any case–so don’t worry if you are bald.)
Mommy has also scheduled a spa mani/pedi for Saturday morning. All the better to have her feet and hands look half as cute as yours will.
If you don’t mind, Mommy would like to look her best for you, so please don’t plan on arriving before Sunday. After Sunday, it’s OK if you want to arrive in the Real World a little early.
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