Lisa Schmidt is a Catholic wife, mother of three (with one on the way!), blogger and speaker. She and her husband, Deacon Joel Schmidt, run The Practicing Catholic. Lisa and Deacon Joel also host their own podcast, and Lisa is no stranger to radio. She writes regularly for Catholic Stand and
After meeting Lisa at Edel last summer, I was thrilled to talk to her again on The Right Heart! She is beautiful, inside and out, and articulate, genuine, and kind to boot. I think she did a great job with our show topic, which is the story of her marriage choosing to embrace Church teaching on contraception–or “restoring her fertility to God” as she explains it. I was so impressed with her candor in sharing the story of a very personal decision for her and her husband. I hope her story will encourage others contemplating a similar change in their relationship with God.
Hi Erin,
I loved this episode as well. This came at a perfect time in my life. I am also looking for the show notes- am I missing them?
Hi Claudia! I actually didn’t ever finish show notes for this episode! You are the second person who has asked about them, though.:) Can I offer to answer any questions you had about something you heard on the show?
Erin, loved this podcast so much. Definitely sharing. By the way, were there show notes? I LOVE that you link everything usually (saints, quotes, etc) because I”m not always the best audio learner, more of a visual learner. I know there was a great quote Lisa gave and then a sister she recommended. Can you share when you get a chance?
Carolyn, thank you so much for the note! I decided to release the episode without filled-in show notes because, but I will get those up ASAP (and will email you personally when I do:).