I think a couple of Gabriel’s baby toys might be haunted.
They randomly start vibrating or playing their little music tunes whenever Gabriel is not even sitting in them. The best part? Their batteries are dead.
I was feeding Gabriel on the couch this afternoon when I heard the little lion on the Precious Planet bouncer start roaring his tiny roar at me–for about 30 seconds straight! He is only supposed to roar whenever Gabriel pushes him on his little stand on the bouncer.
To add to the noise, Gabriel’s safari infant seat started vibrating for no reason at all, so both were doing something they should not have been doing, at the same time.
It was more than a little creepy.
Maybe I’m just hallucinating from being cooped up in this apartment so much. Or maybe this place is haunted.
I wonder if they have a place for “haunted” on the exit inspection form we’ll be filling out when we leave to move into our house soon. I’ll put a note about that next to wherever I put, “smells like we smoke 20 packs a day because the bathroom pipes leak it from our neighbor downstairs”…
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