Despite my all of my complaining about the apartment lately, if I’m being honest with myself, this has been a generally good place to live, and I love my life.
It’s especially easy to remember how blessed I am during this beautiful spring.
On my walk yesterday with Gabriel, we found all the wild honeysuckle that has been making things smell so good lately. It coats the brick fence at the back corner of the property for about a hundred feet! There’s been a steady, cool breeze and many lovely spring days over the last couple of weeks. All two windows in our apartment are usually open!
Going out and walking or sitting by the lake is a daily activity for Gabriel and me. Yesterday, I actually got the courage to take a blanket and feed him outside next to another of the docks we have by the lake. There was no one else out there. I enjoyed soaking up some sun and and Gabriel enjoyed eating somewhere other than the couch!
I spend all day, every day with this baby, but how wonderfully blessed am I to get to stay home and still work (albeit very part-time)? I have the freedom to nap if I need to during the day, and I can still get most of the housework done. My days are all a little bit different, and they’re always flexible.
I can take Gabriel on walks almost every day, which he absolutely loves. He will fuss and fuss and fuss indoors, and as soon as we step outside the front door to go for a walk, he goes silent and usually makes a cute happy baby sound. It will be both sad and good when we put him in daycare part-time starting in July.
One of the best parts of my life is having Michael usually get home between 3 and 4. He gets to work very early in the morning so he can get home early, and we love it that way! We will take walks or run errands together a lot of afternoons.
We do a babysitting exchange with some friends, and they reminded me yesterday that Michael and I are long overdue for a date night. I thanked them for holding me accountable, feeling a little guilty. But then I remembered that Michael and I actually get to spend a lot of time together, whether it’s walking, running errands, and even eating dinner together every night after Gabriel goes to bed. Still, I know that date nights are a special kind of time spent together, and so we’re scheduling something for this weekend :).
On Tuesday afternoon after Michael got home from work, we all went for a long walk at the Kemah Boardwalk. This is us after we got home. There were tons of adorable little children enjoying the big floor fountain they have in one of the squares. I can’t wait to take Gabriel when he’s old enough to toddle around and enjoy it!
This is the view from the front of the big dock in front of our apartment. I’ve made lots of friends out at the dock. A lot of people like to go out there and fish. Michael and I can see the water from our living room window, even though its a small view :).
This sign was posted up yesterday in the mailboxes nook next to the leasing office. Too bad I don’t like cats, because I am impressed by this person’s creative advertising!
Our apartment still smells like we smoke 20 packs a day. But when we keep the windows open, I can sometimes smell the honeysuckle drifting in these days.
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