Since Gabriel’s birth, my wardrobe has consisted of two pairs of increasingly baggy maternity jeans and a pair of old brown dress pants I’ve kept over the years as my version of “fat pants.”
My friend Angela has kindly lent me several extra pairs of jeans she had in her closet for my current “in between” post-pregnancy figure. I was so excited to have some pants to wear that I wouldn’t have to constantly pull up! After a day in these jeans, though, I am struggling with getting back to a world–er, wardrobe–without stretchy pants. I had forgotten what we women do in the name of fashion.
Thank you Angela for lending me what I’m calling my Motivational Jeans. Because feeling like my thighs are going to bust the seams of these jeans like well-stuffed andouille sausage is doing wonders for watching my portion sizes and chocolate chip cookie intake. 🙂
(*Note to concerned readers: Yes, I know I should technically be eating 500 extra calories per day because I am breastfeeding. Gabriel seems to be gaining weight just fine without me counting calories though. And no, I’m not putting myself on a diet to lose weight, just tone up enough to lose the claustrophobic human sausage feeling when I’m trying to wear regular clothes again. 🙂
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