Our friends the Gerkens invited us to a little July 4th play date to celebrate the feast day of Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, the patron saint of their newborn son, Joseph Frassati Gerken. Mary Lou had everyone meet at the park behind their church for cupcakes and juice. From there, we made a little “pilgrimage” to the food pantry in the church to let the kids put food in the donation bins. It was a pretty cute event.:)
Sweet Gianna and her momma:)
From left: Marie Elizabeth, Faith Lucia, Audrey Therese, Joseph Frassati, and Gabriel Adam. I love how sweet, motherly Audrey is happy to hold a squalling baby, while Gabriel is more like, “What do you want me to do with this?!”
I love that Catholics have so many excuses to have a party! I also love that Catholics have so many wonderful examples to follow, people just like us who imitated Christ in an exceptional way. There truly is a saint out there whose life and special challenges each of us can relate to. In teaching our little ones about the saints, I think we have another way to point them to Christ and also give them another tool for learning how to become little saints themselves.
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