Gabriel’s Gran (my mom) coaxed Michael and I to trek over to Louisiana for Easter, and we had a wonderful (but too short!) weekend. The best part was seeing Gabriel’s great grandparents. What a blessing!
Here is my photo diary from the weekend!
Gabriel finally got to meet his second-cousin and fellow Berryhill great-grandchild, Wyatt O’Neal Clark. Wyatt was born just two weeks after Gabriel and gives Gabe a run for his money both in personality and cuteness 🙂 I really enjoyed seeing my sweet cousin-in-law, Lynsay. She has a gentle and beautiful spirit that is like a breath of fresh air.
PawPaw and Gabe, bonding.
Gran holding Gabriel. She just beams when she gets to hold Gabriel. It makes me so happy! We had to wake Gabriel a little early from his nap so that Gran and PawPaw could see him before they left. Gabriel was not happy about the turn of events and protested for a while before falling asleep like a rock in Gran’s arms.
Gran and PawPaw enjoy their enormously good-looking great-grandson.
Gabriel’s great-grandmother, Colette, is very sick in the hospital right now. Visits from her two great-grandchildren, Wyatt and Gabriel, really cheered her up this weekend 🙂
I loved visiting with you and meeting your cutie Gabriel! I was very impressed how alert and social he was with everyone! It was so cute to see the boys together (: Daniel enjoyed talking with Michael too. We need to have future "play dates" with the boys again!