Today, Gabriel had his two month checkup with Dr. Bellah. I didn’t find out (until Michael kindly reminded me) that Gabriel also had to get his first shots today. Yikes!
I pretty much became an anxious puddle of mush inside when I thought about my little boy get all of those shots (THREE!). I am not squeamish about shots myself, but thinking about other people getting them hurts my heart. (Also I should mention that at my son’s two week checkup, he howled the entire time we were there, and there weren’t even shots involved.)
To my surprise, relief, and infinite delight, however, Gabriel cooed and looked around happily for the entire appointment. He even rolled over when Dr. Bellah was doing the development check (Gabriel is a couple of months ahead of his age for that!) As for the shots, Gabriel did cry pitifully for about two minutes while he was being stuck, but he actually calmed down as soon as the nurse put him back in my arms. I was so proud. What a brave and sweet little baby he his!
He weighs over 10 pounds now, too. Wow! Dr. Bellah says that he is still a bit smaller than average, but that he is very healthy and is developing beautifully.
Furthermore, after the doctor’s appointment Michael and I took Gabriel to visit Michael’s old coworkers at NASA, and Gabriel stayed sweet and alert the entire time we were there, despite the fact that it was far past his lunchtime.
I am making sure to send God some humble thank yous from His humble handmaid today :).
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