I haven’t been blogging as much as I used to for a while now, and I only recently fully came to peace with that fact. It’s not that I don’t love to blog–it’s that there’s a time for everything, and at this time in my life (these last few months at least), I have needed to focus on my home, health, husband and family more than my blog.
I do feel that in the near future (probably the middle of June-ish) I will have the time and inspiration to blog and post much more frequently, since I’ll be embarking on a new journey into stay-at-home-motherhood. I’ll have a bit more time to write, plus I’m looking forward to blogging through such a big change in my life.
That said, I do have some juicy updates! And I will still keep writing for CatholicMom.com every other Thursday.
So here we go!
CrossCutt, our new business
I am so, so proud of my husband these days. He has done an incredible job getting our lawn care business set up in every way. He has spent just about every night for the past four months working on setting up every aspect of this business. And that’s in addition to working 40 hours per week at his day job as a robotics analyst for the International Space Station. Lots of time in front of computers. No wonder he can’t wait to get outside and do something active for a living (or part of a living, in CrossCutt’s case. This is a side business and Michael will continue to work full-time.)
Lawn care guys with a truck, a mower and a handshake are a dime a dozen here in Houston, but we’ve set out from the beginning to create a professional, high-quality, trustworthy, commercially-aimed lawn care business. We have a full crew of (John Deere π commercial-grade equipment so far: a 54″ ZTR, a 32″ pro mower, two backpack blowers, one edger and two weed-eaters. (Can you tell I’ve learned a few things about lawn care equipment over the past few months?) I bet you’d never guess that, to date, I have never mowed a lawn in my life! Crazy, I know!
A major dream of ours for this business is that it will allow us to give back generously to our community. From the get-go, we are putting 10 percent of the business’s earnings toward service and charitable organizations in our community.
If you live in Houston, please help us spread the word about our new business! Our website, www.crosscutt.com, will go live by this Friday!
Baby Girl Franco updates
I am six months pregnant with my healthy baby girl and am looking forward to September 6. I’m feeling great most of the time, but have the blessing of usually being able to take care of myself with a nap or extra rest when I need it.
I definitely feel “bigger” this pregnancy, and my doctor said that this baby will probably be bigger than her big brother when she is born. I just love feeling her kick and move inside of me. It makes me smile many times during the day. π
Gabriel updates
Gabriel is walking and running all over the place these days. He has this adorable little “toddle” to his walking, with his little hands all in the air. He constantly looks like he’s going to fall over, and he probably falls dozens of times per day still. When he stands still, he likes to pooch out his tummy and rub his hands on it like an old man with a beer gut! It’s hilarious.
Gabriel is also doing great with signing and talking. He puts his hands together for prayers, signs “please,” “kiss,” “bye bye,” and “more” fairly consistently, and says “ma ma,” “da da,” “uh oh,” “baby,” and “amen.”
I’m also thrilled that he finally lets us read him books. He has to be pretty tired or relaxed though before he’ll sit down long enough for us to read more than a few pages together, but he’s finally learning to like reading. His favorite book so far is Goodnight Moon.
Diet/South Beach updates
Michael has lost 24 pounds since February! He looks and feels great, and I’m so proud of him. It’s been eye-opening for me to see how attached I am to food, especially emotional eating, when compared to my uncomplaining husband.
A typical lunch he takes to work consists of leftovers from dinner, two or three turkey roll-ups (a piece of turkey wrapped around a slice of red bell pepper and some low-fat cheddar cheese), alternately some cucumber slices with hummus, and some peanuts or low-fat popcorn. None of this sounds especially appetizing to me at all, and I know his lunches aren’t usually particularly exciting for him, but the man never complains. I’ll be honest, food is a weakness for me, especially at 6 months pregnant, and I need to learn from him.
We are still technically on Phase II on the South Beach Diet (at least Michael is), but we aren’t overly strict about it. Michael and I both have sort of a new mindset now that if we splurge one day, we eat extra-healthfully and avoid lots of carbs, starches or sugar for a couple of days after that.
Other updates
We will have a roommate for the summer, Katie, and we are truly excited she is coming! She is doing a research project at NASA over the summer for her college. I know she will be a sweet spirit in our home.
Stay-at-home mama's surprisingly enough don't have as much time as I thought they would. Can't wait to take a trip to see you guys!
Goodnight Moon is my daughter's favourite book too!!
I think my parents and husband have spoiled me, seriously. and maybe deprived me? π But YOU try getting the courage to mow the lawn with a HUMONGOUS new mower we've got. Not exactly a good training mower…but we'll see. I'm determined to be able to pinch hit for Michael if he needs me. Babies on my back or not. π
Never mowed a lawn?? Erin Franco you are missin' OUT! Seriously, cutting grass was my favorite household chore in middle school and high school. Refreshing exercise that results in a sharp looking house that you just can't take your eyes off of! Plus, if you have a self-propelled mower, it's pregnancy friendly. Try it out sometime – you'll love it π God bless CrossCutt and your heroic husband! So looking forward to catching up.
What a great update! Thanks for an uplifting study break! I really appreciate your time in writing this.