I had Grand Plans to hand-make Mother’s Day cards and send them to eight different people. But my plans officially fell flat…when I dropped my Mother’s Day cards in the mailbox yesterday.
At least I can claim that I have the Two Cutest Excuses in Texas, right? It’s just that I’m really the only one to blame here. I haven’t put On-time Gift Giving high-enough up on my priorities list.
Probably because making sure I wash the towels before they get mildew-ey, planning a wedding shower for a friend, cooking dinner, preparing for business meetings for CrossCutt, showering semi-regularly, and bandaging Gabriel’s big toe every day (he tore over half of his poor little toenail off last weekend) keep taking over the list…
The list I wrote about here and don’t remember to follow as much as I should. 🙂
Excuses, excuses, I know…
Well here they are! (And yes, I realize I’m RE-posting the same pictures I posted the other day. I just love them so much!)
Gosh I love my kids.
It is so amazing how I felt like I was at the breaking point just a couple of hours ago with all the whining and crying they decided to do (simultaneously) all this afternoon, and now I’m looking at these pictures and I’m totally trying to hurry up and finish this blog post so I can go sneak in their room and kiss their soft baby cheeks again before I go to bed. 🙂
Laura Buller says
Love your blog as always! Call me when you get a chance…