After reading this post over at Moxie Wife (one of my FAVORITE blogs:), I wanted to post a little something along those lines here on Humble Handmaid.
I try so hard on Humble Handmaid to write about my life without crossing the line of sharing too much or too specifically. There are plenty of struggles in my life that I will never blog about because they are too personal. I have probably crossed the over-sharing line before, though! I know I have.
The thing is, I hope everyone who reads this blog knows that I have many, many of the same problems they do in marriage, parenting and relationships. Please don’t put me on a pedestal or think I have everything figured out.:)
I have to remember–we all do–that we can’t compare our outtakes against everyone else’s highlight reels. Often, blogs end up being highlight reels, however well-intentioned and honest. Just the fact that we bloggers miraculously find the time to type out blogs regularly or even just post pics of our kids seems overwhelming to a lot of you–you’ve told me.:)
Thanks for sticking me with and for all of the encouraging comments you leave. I am so incredibly thankful for God leading me to this outlet/hobby and surprising little ministry of writing for all of you.
Peace be with you!
Hallie @ Moxie Wife says
"I have to remember–we all do–that we can't compare our outtakes against everyone else's highlight reels."
What an excellent reminder. I need to tape this to my computer!
Erin Franco says
Thank you for stopping by, Hallie! I really do enjoy your blog. You bring peace, hope, and a little inspiration to a lot of people's hearts when it comes to marriage.:) -Erin
Miranda says
Thanks for sharing Erin.
I do sometimes read your and Melody's blogs and wonder how in the world y'all do it. How do you find time or will to blog late at night when the kids are tucked away and you want nothing more than an extra hour of sleep? I sometimes compare myself (not so much my marriage, because I am truly truly blessed there) to amazing blogging mothers, and it can make me feel like I pale in comparison to these gracious, graceful, patient, creative mothers with happy happy pictures on their blogs all the time. Alas, I know that is not the case, but :sigh: you know 🙂
I've all but given up on my blog, for one, because I'm not a very good writer (lol), and secondly because every time I think that I want to blog, I think that I'd rather just breathe for a minute.
I really love reading the writing of lovely Catholic mommas, though. So thanks for keepin' on. Y'all are all a blessing to me 🙂
Erin Franco says
Thanks for this comment, Miranda! I think that we just subconsciously or by the grace of God just do whatever God calls us to. I think I'm supposed to keep writing HH. I love reading Melody's blog. I feel like she is pretty down-to-earth, but she does seem to do a lot!!
Peace be with you:)