My dear friend and fellow blogger Katie Sciba joins me for her second interview here on The Right Heart, and I think you’re going to love our great conversation about the why, where, how-to and how-awesome of intentionally living a more simple life.
Katie is a pleasure to have on the show. She’s an articulate and enthusiastic speaker, and she has plenty of hard-earned wisdom on simplifying life for her family of six in their 1,200 square foot home in northern Louisiana.
Katie is a writer and speaker who blogs at The Catholic Wife. She also writes a three-time award winning column on marriage and family for her diocesan newspaper. I love this line from her bio: “The Catholic Wife is for us wives trying to put Christ right at the center of our families, knowing the best way to do so is to put him at the center of our hearts.”
Simple. Solid. Everything goes back to Christ.
Links from this Episode
A Mother’s Rule of Life, by Holly Pierlot
The Way, by St. Josemaria Escriva
Katie’s favorite quote from St. Josemaria on detachment: “Detach yourself from the goods of the world. Love and practice poverty of spirit: be content with what enables you to live a simple and sober life. Otherwise, you’ll never be an apostle.” –The Way, #631
Small Steps for Catholic Moms, by Danielle Bean and Elizabeth Foss
The story of the Rich Young Man (Matthew 19:16-22)
When I grow up I want to be like Katie Sciba: simple, happy, and sparkly! 😉
She’s a GEM, Kathryn. So are you! 🙂