Our friend Craig took us all sailing last weekend on his new sailboat. Faith was a handful wiggles-wise, but had a blast–that baby girl loves the wind! Gabriel, however, was cranky and fussy much of the time. Michael was helping our friend Craig man the sails, so I had both kids all to myself…which was unfortunate at times because Gabe threw a couple of temper tantrums worthy of a three-act play. By the time we sailed back through the channel to get back to our marina, I had a plastic smile plastered on my face and was saying Hail Marys for patience. Gabriel was finally quiet though, hugging me with his head on my shoulder.
At that point, Gabriel was the source of a dramatic event event that could actually be the perfect name for said play: The Incredible Flying Chunks.
It was gross. Other than the baby-spits-up-every-ounce-of-milk-she-just-consumed episodes I’ve had with newborns, I haven’t ever been thrown up on like that. Ick.
I was going to post the hilarious iPhone picture Michael took of my disgusted face and drenched shirt, but I decided otherwise. 🙂
In other news…
The weekend before last weekend, I took the kids and drove up to Natchitoches, Louisiana for a girls’ trip with my mom, my sisters, my aunts, and some family friends. We had a lovely time touring plantations, shopping, and relaxing at a beautiful bed and breakfast right outside the city. The bed and breakfast had toys for the kids, and Faith adored the walker (we don’t have one at home). Look at her go!
Front Street in Natchitoches is so cute! There is this neat old streetcar that you can walk right up to and play in.
Baby Faith wanted to stay in the stroller at this point. We tired her out dragging her to all of the plantations and restaurants with us!
Mom, Staci and Olivia
So much for time outs…my sister Rivers and I came up with another punishment for my unruly 2 1/2 old
My mom and I
Our friend Staci, who came on the trip with her daughter Olivia, bought this adorable little apron for Gabriel when we went shopping on Sunday. He feels so special in it. 🙂
When I got home, I found this–a new flagstone walkway from the driveway to the front porch of our house. This grass in this little area was always trampled down by the kids and me getting in and out of the van. The new walkway really looks great. I was so thankful and excited that Michael did such an awesome “Honeydo” project while I was away with the kids for the weekend! (Now for re-painting our badly peeling and stained kitchen table and chairs? Anyone want to schedule a girls’ trip sometime soon?:)
One of the highlights of the weekend was getting to swing by Shreveport (to pick up my sister, who is in med school there) and meet a New-Old Friend, Katie Sciba. Katie blogs at The Catholic Wife, and she and I struck up a friendship about a year and a half ago–something like that anyway. We have emailed and talked on the phone a lot, but we had never met in person. What a great pleasure it was to meet her! We hit it off in person just as much as we did over email and by phone.:)
Might I add that I heartily enjoyed the delicious iced tea and special peanut butter cupcakes Katie served me during our afternoon “play date.” I hope I can return the fabulous hospitality sometime. Everybody has to visit Houston sometime, right? 🙂
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