I found this picture and couldn’t resist π
Besides, strangely enough, it speaks to me right now.
I love to write. I love to share my faith. And I love blogging. π My tiny, humble little corner of the World Wide Web has been a blessing to me over the last three years, and (to my great surprise and solely by the mercy of God) it has blessed others. I’m honored and humbled that the Lord sees fit to give me Humble Handmaid, which truly is more than a hobby to me–somehow it seems to have become a small ministry.
I’ve been thinking all this year about ways to do “more” with Humble Handmaid. My head is full of questions and concerns though.
For example, should I get into more guest posting? What about doing topic series and joining link-ups with other blogs? Should I have a professional blog logo and button designed? Should I focus on building my “likes” on Facebook? Wouldn’t all of those things ultimately bless more people by expanding my visibility online? Would all of those things just come to be a burden to me and make me less present to my family? Do I have too much going on already to do “more” of anything in my life?
I’m not sure if I’m chickening out or am spot-on in discerning that “more” isn’t the right path for Humble Handmaid right now. Probably the latter, not that I claim to be the queen of spot-on discernment all that often.
So, while I wait and discern, I’ll keep writing about what’s on my heart and in my life. Starting with a little “in my life” news in my next post. π
thecatholicwife.net says
I'd love to talk to you about all of this if you like. Phone date soon?