I should be taking a nap, but instead I am cleaning the apartment for the seven much-loved members of Michael’s immediate family who will be staying in Houston for Christmas until Sunday. (Yes, I know that I’m really cleaning the apartment for my own peace of mind.) We just finished a low-key but wonderful visit with my parents and siblings, who all left this morning. Shannon, Ryan, Rivers and Faux-Pa are all completely in love with the newest addition to the family. Gabriel was passed from one set of loving arms to another for past three days, and he was quite the happy camper for it. 🙂
I should be taking a nap, but instead I am posting more pictures of my adorable son. See below!
I should be taking a nap, but I still have to wrap Michael’s Christmas present. And finish the laundry. And wash the onesie and blanket Gabriel peed on. And make sure Michael mails the Allstate bill.
Actually, I really should be taking a nap. So I’m going to stop using my blog as my personal delirious electronic to-do list of Things That Don’t Really Need to Be Done and I’m going to take my own advice and go lay down after all.
Except that I think Gabriel is due to eat again in about fifteen minutes…God love him. 🙂
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