Sometimes, others have just the right words.
My friend Marianne sent out a beautiful email on the Feast of St. Joseph this week. She shared something her spiritual director had given her some time ago: two short, rich prayers to pray for your husband–your own “St. Joseph”–each day of the week.
If you’re like me, as you read through the prayers she has for each day you’ll find some specific ways to pray for your husband that are exactly what he needs right now.
Please join me this coming week, starting Sunday, March 21st, in praying for your husband. As the week goes on, I’d love you to share with us any fruits that come of this spiritual bouquet of prayer for your spouse. Send me an email, leave a comment on this post, or leave one on the Facebook page:).
May God bless your sacrament this week!
- That he would become a holy man, a man of prayer, mature in the Lord, growing in his knowledge of God (1 Thes 5:23; Col 4:12; Eph 6:18; Eph 1:18-19; Eph 3:16-19)
- That he would daily seek God with all his heart, walking in the Spirit moment by moment, growing in his dependence on Him (Ps 119:1-2; Ps 27:4; Prov 3:5-6; John 15:5)
- That he would learn to take every thought captive, to not be conformed to the world’s thinking and to think Scripturally (Rom 12:2; 2 Cor 10:5)
- That he would learn not to depend on his circumstances for happiness but on God alone (Hb 3:17-19)
- That he would have new strength in the midst of his busy schedule and that the Lord might infuse him with His strength (Is 40:31; Eph 3:14-19)
- That his self-image would be a reflection of the Lord’s thoughts toward him (Eph 1:17-19; Rom 12:3; Ps 139)
- That he would become a called man, not driven, with well thought-through and prayed-through goals in life (1 Cor 9:24-27)
- That the Lord would give him wisdom to lead his family physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually (Eph 1:17-19; James 1:5-7)
- That he would stand firm against the schemes of the devil and resist Satan in all circumstances (Eph 6:10-18; James 4:7)
- That he would not be deceived into unbelief or sin (Gal 6:7)
- That the fruit of the Holy Spirit would be more and more exhibited in his life (Gal 5:22-23)
- That he would learn to love as God has commanded (1 Cor 13:4-7); Rom 12:8-10)
- That the Lord would protect him, guarding his course (Prov 2:8)
- That he would learn to manage his time well (Eph 5:15-16)
Angela Miceli says
I have really enjoyed praying this week for my husband! I prayed each one with a Memorare to St. Joseph and saw this fruit most immediately: that my husband had some good break throughs and direction about his own discernment process with respect to his professional vocation. I am confident that there will be more! I would LOVE the Scripture verses with them! Thanks, Erin!
Erin Franco says
I'm working on the Scripture verses, Angela! SO glad that you enjoyed praying for your husband this week. I keep up with your family via FB and you seem like you are doing well. Michael and I are no strangers to job changes (many, in fact!!). I will pray for you guys tonight. Hugs:)
Erin Franco says
Angela, did you notice that I added all the Scripture references to the original post? 🙂
Angela Miceli says
I just did! I am going to pray this again this week, so I am super excited for the Scriptural passages to meditate one! Thank you!
Athena Carson says
This might sound strange, but as I read this I realized that I think St. Joseph has been prodding at my husband without me even explicitly asking for it. Without going into a lengthy explanation, my husband basically had a fatherly breakthrough this last week, 6 years into our marriage. He was a good father before this point because he deliberately chose to be, but I think some things just sunk in and made him feel more natural in his role.
I should thank St. Joseph the next chance I get!
Erin Franco says
Wow. I am so glad to hear that!:) I feel like I can see little steps forward all the time with Michael like that. I can tell that you are a good, prayerful, perceptive, encouraging wife, Athena.
Erin Franco says
I feel like I have been able to forgive more quickly this week in the small things, maybe because I have felt more full of hope for my marriage through praying for Michael all week like this. God says in Isaiah that His Word never comes back without being fruitful, right?:)
"So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11)
Erin Franco says
I wanted to add that I will be posting the Scripture verses where each prayer came from. Marianne said that her spiritual director gave her the Scripture where each prayer came from…hence why I feel more confident that my prayers have something of His word in them, and that they won't NOT be fruitful eventually for my husband!