Time to admit it. I’ve been nesting like crazy, ya’ll. All of the closets, drawers and cabinets in my house have been quaking with fear lately. I’ve been descending upon them one by one in spontaneous, furious purging and organizing sessions, with garbage bags in hand and a heart devoid of sentimentality. At least 20 garbage bags worth of stuff is gone from my home since January 1. Not to mention that I’ve been organizing everything I can possibly think of. I even colored-coded-and-symboled our family calendar using an appy on my fancy new phone.
There is nothing in my drawers or my closet now that I don’t actually wear. Mr. Potato head has all of his body parts in one place for the first time in a couple of years. Our old cardboard “medicine box” is now three neat, labeled baskets of non-expired medicines and supplies. I threw away all of my sketchy and mis-matched Tupperware. I gave away half our Lego collection because two large baskets (one for the Mega blocks and one for regular-sized ones) is quite enough for any family. I’ve even cleaned out my pantry, fridge and freezer.
Like crazy. But it’s not like I’ve had some Master To-Do List of Organizing. Every little project has been entirely spontaneous (and probably not entirely well-timed all the time, as Michael will charitably choose not to comment about:).
Sometimes I’ve done little projects while my kids nap in the afternoon or after they go to bed, but more often I have just corralled them in the same room with me during rainy or lazy mornings or afternoons at home. I let them have a blast right alongside me playing Legos or making pillow forts or sharing a bowl of popcorn while watching Curious George. (I love that I don’t have to entertain them all of the time anymore!:)
I’m already chuckling at myself, looking back at this post a few years (or months) from now. I’m so hormonal. So nesting. Such a young, silly mom.:) I think I’ll still be thankful then, though, that I didn’t let the clutter and the unnecessary keep piling up in my home. A well-ordered home is a goal of mine, because I think that for me, it helps me to achieve my underlying goals of sanctifying the material and spiritual work of my vocation, and teaching my children how to be productive, orderly souls on the outside and the inside.
I don’t think it is possible keep up with our ideas of an orderly home (or even get a start on organizing things) in every season of our lives. (I think that’s when the 5 P’s come into play most helpfully, right? Remind me of that old post of mine, in fact, when I post something in three months or so about feeling overwhelmed by having two toddlers and a newborn and a messy, icky house.:)
A clean, organized home certainly won’t be possibly for a while after I have this new baby. I may find that it’s not possible for quite a while after this new baby…who knows? 🙂 Maybe what is “orderly” to me now will be a little more messy, but no less orderly for our state in life, in a few months…or years. As a sweet friend of mine with three young children told me just today, “After you have your third, some days if everyone is fed and has clean pants, you’ve done really, really well.”
My work as a wife and mother is not holy and pleasing to the Lord only if my house and family are perfectly taken care of. My work is holy and pleasing to Him whenever it is offered up with a willing and thankful heart.
Thank goodness. 🙂
“God loves a cheerful giver. And God has the power to supply your abundantly with every kind of blessing, so that with all your needs well-supplied at all times, you may have something to spare for every work of mercy.” ~2 Corinthians 9:7-8
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