I’ve probably come back to this post in my drafts seven or eight times now. There’s so much I want to say, but probably don’t need to say. There’s so much I want explain about this season of my life right now, but could never do justice to in a blog post.
I’ve discerned clearly over the past several months that it’s time to slow down on blogging and podcasting. There are many reasons why I know that this is God’s will for me right now. My peace is one of them.
I recently told the good people at Breadbox Media that I can’t commit to hosting a weekly radio show anymore. (Don’t worry: I’m planning to release every one of the episodes I pre-recorded for the radio show. I’m simply editing them into podcasts.:) And I’ve cut writing deadlines, radio interviews, social media, speaking and podcasting down to an “as I have time and energy” basis.
You know, re-reading that last sentence makes me chuckle. Something like that, anyway. Honestly, ya’ll, I love, love, love to write and talk about my faith. God has given me some amazing opportunities to do that in different ways. But months ago I started to realize that I was saying “yes” to more than I could reasonably accomplish in 24 hours a day.
I think my Big Moment of realization came at a playdate a while back, when I overheard a friend of mine talking about me to a new mom who had just arrived. She gushed, “Erin is so great! She’s got three kids, and homeschools, and does Domestic Church, and has a blog and a podcast and a radio show! I don’t know how she does it all!”
My heart kind of squeezed itself when I overheard that. She had no idea that I walked around constantly anxious about how I was going to get it all done. It was the final wakeup call I needed in order to make some hard decisions about officially slowing down on commitments outside of my home.
But peace–I’ve had so much peace about slowing down. I’ve been doing more of other things lately.
Napping. Baking. Reading to my children. Praying. Making meals for friends in need. Spending time with my husband on nights not marked “spend time with Michael” on my to-do list. Spending time with my kids. Growing a new baby.
I’ve been reading again, too. In recent months, Til We Have Faces, Lady Susan and Her Daughter, Persuasion, and Kristin Lavransdatter.
I’ve even been doing more of something I haven’t had time to do in ages: watch TV. Michael and I watched the original three Star Wars movies together before going on a date to see the new one. I thoroughly enjoyed the Dr. Thorne miniseries, and I’m just now getting around to finishing the final season of Downton Abbey (thank you, Amazon Prime!).
Here I am, about to finally press Publish on this life update of a post that has taken me far too long to write. I just wanted you to know why it’s been quiet here on the blog, and why all of the upcoming episodes of the podcast are being released so slowly.
I have a couple of months left before my darling new baby boy makes his appearance. Please take a moment to pray for the last weeks of my pregnancy, for my family, and for me. Know that I prayed for you before you even read this.
Christ’s peace be with you!
I hosted a baby shower for my darling sister-in-law, due a month ahead of me. I’m about six months pregnant here.:)
I volunteered as a group leader for my parish’s VBS this summer. A friend and I shepherded ten six-year-old boys for five days (including my Gabriel)…it was wonderful and exhausting.:)
Showing off our snowball tongues!
My mom and two of my aunts had to help Gabriel get out of a tree he got stuck in at my mom’s house. How many Barker girls does it take to get a Franco out of a tree?!
Faith and Gianna, my two sweeties:)
My sweet, sweet baby boy, due in early August. Looking forward to getting this boy out of my tummy, off my bladder, and into my arms.:)
Lisa says
God bless you and your family, Erin! As much as I will miss your podcasts and posts, I REALLY admire when moms have the courage to step back when it’s all too much! You have inspired me by your decision and I’m so glad you have peace! Congrats on your new baby boy coming 🙂
Miriam says
I love this and love you! Your slowing down is inspiring!!! Love love you!
Katie @ The Catholic Wife says
Beautifully put, Erin. I’m certain that a peaceful, present mama will grace the world far more than when we’re overworked, stressed, and anxious. I know that’s the case for me anyway. We’ll all look forward to your podcasts! 😉
Much love from the North 😉
Erin Franco says
Thank you, sweet friend! 🙂
Mary Rogers says
May God continue to bless the good work he has begun in you. I’m glad you are able to enjoy the fruit of your labor and slow down a little. Thank you for all the wisdom you have shared on your multiple media ventures. You will be in my prayers.
Erin Franco says
Thank you, Mary! I know He is always working on us, and I feel so peaceful about finally submitting to what needs to happen for a while in my life:)
Dana D'Aquin Todd says
I have always wondered how you did it all as well. I thought that I must be so inadequate when all I am is a stay-at-home-mom of four when I read about all that you do. I’m so deeply happy that you are allowing yourself to breathe and say no sometimes. May God bless you and your growing family in these last couple months before baby boy arrives. Enjoy these precious moments that you will never get back.
Also, I ask that you pray for us. My husband just got relocated to The Woodlands, TX, and I am devastated and truly fearful. I have never lived anywhere other than Baton Rouge, and leaving my family is truly heartbreaking. I know you have lives in Texas before, and I am trying to follow your example and be a supportive wife. PS I’ve even talked to your cousin Liz Kuna who calmed my nerves:)
Erin Franco says
It’s so funny that you say that about feeling inadequate, when really I have been the one who was inadequate for all of the things I have said ‘yes’ to! I’ve had to learn the hard way that getting affirmation about something you’re doing doesn’t mean that you should necessarily keep doing it (or that God wants you to keep doing it!). It’s a lot more layered and complicated than that. God has really challenged me to wake up and use my head in discerning everything I am doing.
And oh-my-goodness…I know a little of how you are feeling right now with the move to Texas! I do promise you that in five years, you will look back and say, “Wow–look what God did in my life because of that move!” At least that is my story.:) The Woodlands has some amazing parishes and amazing families! And there are so many Baton Rouge/Louisiana ex-pats over there. It’s such a beautiful place to live, and there’s a lot to do, and it’s not a terrible drive at all to and from BR, at least in my opinion. I’ve driven it dozens and dozens of times now over the years. I have been praying for you especially today, Dana!:)