There are a couple of words that I need to keep out of my vocabulary from now on. They are: “overwhelmed” and “exhausted.”
There have been a few times in my life that I have been truly exhausted, stripped of my energy, unable to take another step. But mostly, I would say that there have simply been a lot of times when I am just really tired. (Especially lately.:)
And yes, there have been a few times in my life when I have been truly overwhelmed with so much to do, so many babies crying, so much anxiety about multiple things that I didn’t know exactly what to do the very next moment. But mostly I’ve just had a lot on my plate, and I’ve gotten through things with determination, hard work, and the grace of God.
I think that words can have power over us, and when we frequently use strong, negative words to describe ourselves, it can really turn us inward and make us feel sorry for ourselves. Speaking, ahem, from experience.:)
I have long, rough days sometimes–as we all do. And I need your prayers, for sure. But I’m staying real, and staying in perspective…I’m a blessed woman with a full heart, full hands, and plenty of grace poured out daily on me by my Heavenly Father–if I’ll take it. I can do all of this wife-and-motherhood-and-crazy-busy-life-stuff through Christ who strengthens me.
So no more “overwhelmed” or “exhausted” in my daily vocabulary. No more words that inspire self-pity and hopelessness. Sometimes staying down to earth–and keeping my eyes on Heaven–just means using the right vocabulary.
"No more words that inspire self-pity and hopelessness." At 26 weeks pregnant, these words are so poignant for me! I am putting this quote on my desktop to remind myself my thoughts lead to words, both of which have power over my outlook. Instead of verbalizing how poorly I feel, I will verbalize how good I feel instead. Anyone else feeling blessed and grateful?! Thank you for the richness and beauty of this post.
I love this and I thought of you this morning when I didn't hesitate one second to describe myself as "exhausted." Super tired? Totally. Anyway, I'm watching how I speak now, and especially trying to ensure that my speech is positive. Thank you!!
I totally agree with you! I have found myself using negative words a lot lately, and it definitely leads to pity parties instead of focusing on our blessings. Thanks for the reminder 🙂